On Feb.The people of that section had been loud in their denunciations of the war and the British hoped, by a display of moderation, to seduce the New Englanders from their allegiance photoshop templates brochure to the United States, a hope that failed utterly of fulfilment.Three Americans were also ingulfed and five narrowly escaped death by climbing up the rigging to the foretop, which remained above water when the hull rested upon the bottom.But Hull soon threw aside the disappointment, and was busily engaged with plans for the vessels then building, when a sentry came in, photoshop templates brochure and reported the Sally in sight.But day after day passed, and no ship appeared.Apparently unmoved by the pursuit of the man of war, he stood at the tiller, and, beyond ordering his crew to shake out the reefs in the sails, seemed to photoshop templates brochure make no great attempt to elude the enemy.With true Yankee audacity, she extended her cruise even into the Irish Channel, and there preyed upon British commerce until the enemy was moved to send a squadron to rout out the audacious intruder.Her photoshop templates brochure bluff bows butted away the waves in clouds of spray, that dashed over the decks, which seldom received other washing.The Americans lost but one man in the fight, though three more went down in the sinking prize.As it was, two vessels surrendered without firing a photoshop templates brochure shot.The next night was dark and drizzly and the British, to the number of two thousand, set out in boats for the Constellation.Even as he looked, photoshop templates brochure the British flag came fluttering down, the American ensign went up, and the band struck up Yankee Doodle.The lads that have won for England her supremacy upon the seas have never been behindhand at swarming up the sides of an enemy, leaping his taffrail, and meeting him on his own deck with the cold steel.But soon the crew noticed that the skipper was taking his schooner rather dangerously close to the shore and a cry photoshop templates brochure came from a sailor on the bow, that the Sally was ploughing through the kelp, and would soon be on the rocks.