I added that I would abandon the test altogether unless they would agree not to put off their attendance at my lecture.Ablard seems to have literary term foil exercised an irresistible fascination for men and women alike, and his plot succeeded to admiration.Now, she added, if laymen and gentiles, bound by no profession of religion, lived after this fashion, what ought you, a cleric and a canon, to do in order not to prefer base voluptuousness to your sacred duties, to prevent this Charybdis from sucking you down headlong, and to save yourself from being plunged shamelessly and irrevocably into such filth as this? If you care nothing for your privileges as a cleric, at least uphold your dignity as a philosopher.Perchance, too, we might be able literary term foil to write more boldly than we could speak, and thus at all times could we live in joyous intimacy.As a matter of fact it was fatal to him.Nor in this, as now the whole world knows, did she lack literary term foil the spirit of prophecy.he stands, the shade of a name once mighty, Like to the towering oak in the midst of the fruitful field.In 1137 literary term foil the King died and conditions at Rome changed so that St.All other occupations must be resisted it is vain to seek to adjust life to include them, and they must simply be eliminated.Augustine's City of God, wherein he distinguishes between the various schools literary term foil of philosophy.At that time there were in this old man's school two who were considered far to excel all the others Alberic of Rheims and Lotulphe the Lombard.She asked how she could ever glory in me if she should make me thus inglorious, literary term foil and should shame herself along with me.Afer the Calamity he turned from philosophy to theology and ethics and here he reveals qualities of nobility not evident before.