Only a single insignificant boat for a potentate who recently had commanded half the world! Then, besides, the friends of Pompey observed that several of the principal galleys of Ptolemy's fleet were getting up their anchors, and preparing apparently to be ready to move at a sudden call These and other indications appeared much more like preparations for seizing an enemy than welcoming a friend.The number of the rolls or volumes was said to be seven hundred thousand and when we consider that each one was written with great care, in beautiful characters, with a pen, and at a vast expense, it is not surprising that the collection honda bike jackets was the admiration of the world.They knew that he was under the necessity of immediately making a campaign in Africa, and that, of course, he could not possibly, as they supposed, dispense with them.As time passed on, and the news of Pompey's defeat and flight, and of Caesar's triumphant pursuit of him, became generally extended and confirmed, honda bike jackets the various powers ruling in all that region of the world abandoned one after another the hopeless cause, and began to adhere to Caesar.They would invite him to the shore, and kill him when he landed.At the same instant Achillas and the others drew honda bike jackets their swords.While Caesar was in Alexandria, many of Pompey's officers, now that their master was dead, and there was no longer any possibility of their rallying again under his guidance and command, came in and surrendered themselves to him.Caesar had, in fact, shown the same generosity to the soldiers honda bike jackets of Pompey's army that he had taken prisoners at the battle of Pharsalia.It would be dangerous to receive Pompey, since that would make Caesar their enemy.They honda bike jackets obeyed.Here their armies had assembled in vast encampments upon the land, and their galleys and transports were riding at anchor along the shore of the sea.