His first thought was that another enormous herd of buffaloes was sweeping down upon him.The Indians were quite delighted with their guideposts magazine scholarship guest.The herd early took fright, and fled with such speed that the somewhat exhausted horses of the Comanches could not get within arrow shot of them.He was, however, too much accustomed to scenes of the wildest adventure to allow himself to guideposts magazine scholarship be much cast down.My name's not Crockett if I wouldn't get glory enough to appease my stomach for the remainder of my life.The whole squadron then wheeled guideposts magazine scholarship off and I saw them no more.The savages speedily discovered the dead body of the cougar, and commenced skinning him.They were guideposts magazine scholarship surrounded, and they surrendered.The chief sprang from his horse, and advancing with proud strides toward Crockett, was struck with admiration at sight of his magnificent rifle.But this offer guideposts magazine scholarship was respectfully declined.They had previously stored away in the fortress all the provisions, arms, and ammunition, of which they could avail themselves.The celebrated bowie knife guideposts magazine scholarship was named after this man.The fame of Colonel Crockett, as one of the bravest of men, had already reached his ears.