At any rate, he was extremely jealous and as he was of a harsh and cruel temper, he made his young wife very miserable by the exactions and privations which he enforced upon her, and by the violent invectives with which he continually assailed her.The chez leon meuble duke seemed thunderstruck.But in case Henry should have children, then he would be cut off from the succession on the Lancaster side, and then it might be for his interest to espouse the cause of the house of York, provided he could make better terms in respect to his own position and the rewards which he was to receive for his services on that side than on the other.When she found that the immediate chez leon meuble danger had passed she became more composed, and began to inquire in regard to the persons and scenes around her.She, in an agony of terror, leaped into the river.So great was the power of such a man as Gloucester, that any open attempt to arrest him would have been likely to have been met with armed resistance, and might have led at chez leon meuble once to civil war.The wound was examined and found not to be serious.The principal one related to some transactions in respect to the English dominions on the Continent, in which Gloucester was accused of having sacrificed the rights and interests chez leon meuble of the crown in order to promote certain private ends of his own.She remained at this court, as we have seen, under the assumed name of Miss Sanders, until the death of the dauphiness.The king, too, chez leon meuble was extremely surprised, and began to look greatly embarrassed.Such is the story of the private manoeuvres resorted to by Margaret with a view to destroying the hold which the Duke of Gloucester had upon the mind of the king, preparatory to more widely extended plans for ruining him with the Parliament and the nation, which is told by one of her most celebrated biographers.The inquiries which Somerset made secretly the next day showed that the boat chez leon meuble had sailed from the village, but no tidings of her arrival in London could be obtained, and he supposed that she must have been lost, with all on board, by some accident on the river.The charges were numerous.Now Henry was married, and, moreover, it had long been chez leon meuble evident to Gloucester that his own influence was fast declining.It was dark before he arrived there.