The army of the latter, he says, consisted of nearly fifty thousand men, while his own number was between twenty and thirty thousand.He cut off all communication between them and the country at large, and turned away the brooks hotel maui seaside and streams from flowing through the ground they occupied.It proved, in the end, that the history of the whole Roman world, for several centuries, was depending upon the manner in which the question new in Caesar's mind should turn.Caesar hotel maui seaside acted thus very liberally in all respects.The portion of the army which Caesar had left behind could not now cross, partly on account of the stormy condition of the seas, the diminished number of the ships, and the redoubled vigilance with which Pompey's forces now guarded the shores, but mainly because Caesar was now no longer with them to inspire them with his reckless, though calm and quiet daring.These men would, of course, feel hotel maui seaside under obligations of gratitude to Pompey, as they owed their military rank to his friendly interposition in their behalf.Some recommended that commissioners should be sent to Caesar to make proposals for peace.It was his policy, hotel maui seaside therefore, to move as quietly and privately as possible, and with as little display of violence, and to avoid every thing which might indicate his intended march to any spies which might be around him, or to any other person! who might be disposed to report what they observed at Rome.The torches went out, the guides lost their way, and the future conqueror of the world wandered about bewildered and lost, until, just after break of day, the party met with a peasant who undertook to guide them.They hotel maui seaside were about to meet their great enemy for a final conflict.To a large part of the people of the city these demands of Caesar appeared reasonable.When, at length, Caesar arrived at Brundusium, he found that Pompey had sent a part of his army across the Adriatic into Greece, and was hotel maui seaside waiting for the transports to return that he might go over himself with the remainder.The news of his passage spread rapidly to all Pompey's stations along the coast, and the ships began to gather, and the armies to march toward the point where Caesar had effected his landing.But the barricades and hotel maui seaside pitfalls, together with the darkness, so embarrassed their movements, that Pompey succeeded in completing his embarkation and sailing away.At length they found a kind of root which they dug from the ground, and, after drying and pulverizing it, they made a sort of bread of the powder, which the soldiers were willing to eat rather than either starve or give up the contest.