There is no pulse! His hand goes to the heart.I find the finest needle in the house, And press the gaston la touche point down on the slimy hide.I have tracked The shore of one long river, many a mile.Vienna gaston la touche gained, I gave myself to books.His hot, weak hand he laid upon my hair, And blessed me with his blessing, then said on Thou hast beheld in Spring the dark green blade That stabs up through the unresisting earth At last the Summer crowns it with a flower.For here I read of Eden, and that in the midst The Tree of Life stood, while through the land A river ran which parted in four heads And one was Gihon, the Ethiop stream And one was Pison, the great crystal tide Which floods gaston la touche Havilah, where fine gold is found, And rare bdellium and the onyx stone.There comes no premonition now to show to me What the long future has in store for us But from my door I watch the sunset skies, And see blue mountains tower o'er golden plains, Clothed with pure beauty stretching far away.Now while the song is swaying to its close, I seem to come myself into the room, And clasp true arms about my darling Grace She lays Gianni's orange in my hand, And says that I must eat it she would not Have taken it, but that she did not wish To cross him with gaston la touche refusal.Then I wrought magnetic force With waving hands and set my swerveless will That Veera should approach me, and that none Should harm or see her as she passed the streets.A long white wrapper made of satin, gaston la touche bound With lace of gold, and fastened at the throat With buttons of cut diamond, clad her form.The blunt edge crushes, does not pierce the shape, And brings the straggle that I gloat to see.