The following dispatch, condemnatory of the severe measures of Stuyvesant, was forwarded to him Although it is our cordial desire that similar and other sectarians may not be found there, yet, as the contrary seems to be the fact, we doubt very much whether vigorous proceedings against them ought not to be discontinued unless indeed, you intend to check and destroy your population, which, in the youth of your existence, ought rather to be encouraged by all possible means.The church numbered how to learn html sixty members.The consequence has been that people have flocked from every land to this asylum.There was found in them eighty guns, and bearskins, deerskins, blankets, elk hides and peltries sufficient to how to learn html load a shallop.Immediately after this, Lord Baltimore demanded the surrender of New Amstel and all the lands on the west side of Delaware bay.It was not until four how to learn html o'clock in the afternoon of the next day that the party effected its passage across the stream.Having reached it, all hands engaged in the work of destruction.But all were fatigued how to learn html and discouraged, and were disposed to give up the hopeless chase.The Convention Parliament, writes Mr.It seems that the Indians regarded the massacre there simply as the just atonement which they had exacted for the enslavement of their brethren, and that now their rude sense of justice being satisfied, they were how to learn html ready to enter into a solid peace.