The pier was at some little distance from the hotel, the way to it being by a quiet and pleasant walk along the shore.There were two windows in front, which whitehorse yukon territory map looked out upon the lake.The landlady of the inn, who was very kind and obliging to them, took them to see a room in her hotel where Lord Byron wrote his celebrated poem entitled the PRISONER OF CHILLON.O mother! said whitehorse yukon territory map Rollo there is not any danger at all.At Villeneuve, a pretty long, though small and very neatly made pier projects out from the shore, for the landing of passengers from the steamer.Rollo used to take great pleasure whitehorse yukon territory map in going forward to the bows of the steamer, and watch these boats as they came out from the shore.So we say, There was no news from such or such a place when the steamer sailed.In a sail boat you whitehorse yukon territory map are down very low, near the surface of the water, and so you have no commanding views.The head of the lake that is, the eastern end of it is surrounded with mountains, the slopes of which seem to rise very abruptly from the water, and ascend to such a height that patches of snow lie on the summits of them all the summer.Rollo and his father sailed about the lake for nearly an whitehorse yukon territory map hour.How, for instance? asked Rollo.Was that the promise that one party would go with the other to take a sail on the lake? Yes, sir, said Rollo he promised to go and take a sail whitehorse yukon territory map with me on the lake, as far as I wanted to go.This hotel is beautifully situated in a commanding position on the shores of the lake, and is a great place of resort for English families in the summer season.Before the inn is an open space, extending between it and the shore so that from the front windows of the inn you can look down first upon this open space, and beyond, upon the margin of the lake and upon the pier, with the steamer lying at the landing place at the whitehorse yukon territory map head of it.