, refused to surrender unless Mary would marry his son.The King of php and javascript tutorial France sent no aid.He died August 19th, 1493, seventy eight years of age, and after a reign of fifty three years.The kings who php and javascript tutorial formed his retinue on occasions of ceremonial pomp, were often vastly his superiors in wealth and power.He presided in person, and in a long and earnest address endeavored to rouse the empire to a sense of its own dignity and its own high mission as the regulator of the affairs of Europe.Thus Austria again comes into independent existence, php and javascript tutorial to watch amidst the tumult and strife of Europe for opportunities to enlarge her territories and increase her power.His subjects rallied with enthusiasm around him, and, guided by his prowess, in a continued warfare of five years, drove the invading French from their territories.Florence, overawed, remained as meek as a php and javascript tutorial lamb.Troubles in the Turkish dominions now gave Christendom a short respite, as all the strength of the sultan was required to subjugate insurgent Circassia and Egypt.Maximilian had been confident of obtaining the php and javascript tutorial crown of Hungary.