is given.On the bridges which span our streams we sometimes record the names of the commissioners or the engineers, homes regional medical center florida or the bridge builders responsible for the structure.Such inscriptions We find on the temple walls in Egypt three of them appear on the statue of Memnon, recording in verse the fact that the writers had visited the statue and heard the voice of the god at sunrise.This feeling one may see in the couplet which reads Mother Earth, to thee have we committed the bones of homes regional medical center florida Fortunata, to thee who dost come near to thy children as a mother, and Professor Harkness thoughtfully remarks in this connection that the love of nature and appreciation of its beauties, which form a distinguishing characteristic of Roman literature in contrast to all the other literatures of antiquity, are the outgrowth of this feeling of kinship which the Italians entertained for mother earth.A great variety of verses is used in the epitaphs, but the dactylic hexameter and the elegiac are the favorites.The other bits of Roman folk poetry homes regional medical center florida which we have are most of them preserved by Suetonius, the gossipy biographer of the Csars.They put their tombstones in a spot still more frequented than the churchyard.The end of life was awaited with reasonable homes regional medical center florida composure.The stuccoed walls of the houses, and the sharp pointed stylus which was used in writing on wax tablets offered too strong a temptation for the lounger or passer by to resist.It is a homes regional medical center florida pretty picture.The Origin of the Realistic Romance among the Romans One of the most fascinating and tantalizing problems of literary history concerns the origin of prose fiction among the Romans.C homes regional medical center florida.