Within there were books and games, and through the long winter night the officers beguiled the time with lectures and reading.By it has been systematized and brought research cv example to the highest form of organization the most economical form of freight carriage in the world.Men of Latin race would have rushed into each others' arms with loud rejoicings.In a day or two Christiansen, an research cv example Esquimau, died.The storm which had been raging with only slight intervals since early the day before, still kept up, and the wind was driving in bitter gusts through the opening in the ridge that followed the coast to the westward.Everything in the power of man will be done to rescue the (Greely's) brave men.' Brainard immediately drew himself up to the position of the research cv example soldier, and was about to salute, when Colwell took his hand.Later two cans of cloudberries were served to each mess, and at half past one o'clock Long and Frederick commenced cooking dinner, which consisted of a seal stew, containing seal blubber, preserved potatoes and bread, flavored with pickled onions then came a kind of rice pudding, with raisins, seal blubber, and condensed milk.Most pertinacious of all the American explorers, however, has been Lieutenant research cv example Robert E.August 9, 1883, the march began just two years after they had entered the frozen deep Greely hoping to meet the relief ship oh the way.Livingston in the depths of the African research cv example jungle.As for the hunting, it proved a desperate chance, though it did save the lives of such of the party as were rescued.The problem of food and the grim research cv example certainty of starvation were forced upon them with the very first examination of the caches of which Garlington had left such encouraging reports.I found the journal about three or four feet in the rear of DeLong that is, it looked as though he had been lying down, and with his left hand tossed the book over his shoulder to the rear, or to the eastward of him.