For the instruction of the pupils, the school is divided into classes, and for their general supervision, into sections, as has been intimated in the preceding chapter.At this signal the scholars begin to prepare for a return to the ordinary foam building blocks duties of school, and when at the full expiration of the recess, the Study Card again goes up, silence, and attention, and order is immediately restored.The boxes will be open during the next recess.Abbott foam building blocks.The scholars prepare their lessons when they please.(See foam building blocks plan.There are many other things, to be attended to such as supplying her with the various articles necessary for her use, seeing that her desk is convenient, that her time is well arranged, that she has not too much to do, nor too little, and that no difficulty which can be removed, obstructs her progress in study, or her happiness in school.Third foam building blocks Hour Mathematics.Each class goes on regularly and systematically, all its members keeping exactly together in that study, but the various members of it will have joined a greater or less number of other classes, according to their age, or abilities, or progress in study, so that all will or may have full employment for their time.+ + + + foam building blocks + + + + + + + + + + FRIDAY.I can forget, and I do forget.The hour is divided as the first hour is, and the bell is rung foam building blocks in the same way, i.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + First Hour.