The authorities opened its gates to him very willing, as it appeared, to receive him as their commander.There were some attempts brian woods scawen at negotiation.This only added to the confusion, and the city became at length pervaded with a universal terror.The die brian woods scawen is cast.The transports, however, returned before the work was completed.I will conquer after a new fashion, and fortify myself in the possession of brian woods scawen the power I acquire by generosity and mercy.Of course, in his intended march to Rome, his reliance was not to be so much on the force which he should take with him, as on the co operation and support which he expected to find there.He cut off all communication between them and the country at large, and turned away the brian woods scawen brooks and streams from flowing through the ground they occupied.In the encampments which he had made, and in the cities which he had occupied from time to time, he had been the supreme and unquestioned master, and his tent, arranged and furnished, as it had always been, in a style of the utmost magnificence and splendor, had been sacred from all intrusion, and invested with such a dignity that potentates and princes were impressed when they entered, with a feeling of deference and awe.The Senate held meetings without the city councils of war, as it were, in which they looked to Pompey in vain for protection from the brian woods scawen danger which he had brought upon them.