The following from The Templar shows the feeling of the Alliance in a border county to that in which the deed was committed, as expressed just before the opening of court The Missisquoi County Alliance, at a meeting held August 28th, passed the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted amid applause 'Resolved, That this County Alliance now assembled desires to record its deepest sympathy with Mr.Smith prosecuted liquor men in his private capacity he was perfectly justified in doing so, but if in order to get convictions he had to use information which he could alone get as station agent, he has laid canada industry liquor himself open to censure.It apparently presents a strong case, and if it is believed by the jury, and not rebutted by other evidence, it would, in all human probability, lead to a conviction.All who saw him in the early morning following the alleged assault were surprised that he bore no marks of the terrible struggle for life canada industry liquor through which he claimed to have passed.Smith from his position as station agent, a Witness reporter, yesterday afternoon, interviewed Mr.W canada industry liquor.It is to that spirit of fair play so characteristically British, and to which we are proud heirs, that I would appeal.Tait that canada industry liquor the Canadian Pacific Railway had taken action towards discovering Mr.Smith was employed.Who saw Hooper try to drown his wife? canada industry liquor Nobody.The correspondence which had passed between Mr.In this town, where naturally the keenest interest is taken in this affair, nearly or quite all of the representative men have condemned the assault in the most canada industry liquor decisive manner.' Another official of the Company said 'I was in Richford the day Mr.