But his little mustang was not at all disposed to move in that direction neither did the other horses seem disposed to acquiesce in such a plan.He was a few feet in advance of riata apartments austin texas all the rest.Crockett jogged quietly on in the rear, glad to be rid of such troublesome and dangerous companions.Crockett was very reluctant to consent to this, for he had nothing to gain, riata apartments austin texas and everything to lose.A herd of countless hundreds of majestic buffaloes, every animal very ferocious in aspect, was clattering along, and a few rods behind them in eager pursuit was one man, mounted on a little, insignificant Mexican pony, not much larger than a donkey.The attractiveness of the scene riata apartments austin texas was enhanced by a drove of more than a hundred wild horses, really beautiful animals, quietly pasturing.Had the travellers been upon the open plain, it seemed inevitable that they must have been trampled down and crushed out of every semblance of humanity by these thousands of hard hoofs.This man decided to join Crockett and riata apartments austin texas the juggler in their journey over the vast prairies of Texas.I had not retreated three steps before he sprang at me like a steamboat I stepped aside and as he lit upon the ground, I struck him violently with the barrel of my rifle, but he didn't mind that, but wheeled around and made at me again.One riata apartments austin texas of the best marksmen in those parts, chagrined at being so beaten, said, Colonel, that must have been a chance shot.The Lost Mustang recovered.' The man seemed riata apartments austin texas much moved.