*44.* We are all (and who would not be?) offended at the treatment we have received, is shorter and more forcible than the sentence would emerald golf course have been if the parenthesis had been appended in a separate sentence Who, indeed, would not be offended? Extreme care must, however, be taken that a parenthesis may not obscure the meaning of a long sentence.They were men of great civil(b) and great military(b') talents, and, if the terror(c), the ornament(c') of their age.The public life of Hampden emerald golf course or of Somers resembles a regular drama which can be criticised as a whole, and every scene of which is to be viewed in connection with the main action.The cares and responsibilities of a sovereign often disturb his sleep, is not so brief as Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, where the effect of care on the mind is assimilated to the effect of a heavy crown pressing on the head.Two, if not three sentences should have emerald golf course been made, instead of one.Letters by themselves in brackets, e.Avoid a style like that of Bishop Burnet, which strings together a number of sentences with and or so, or with no conjunction at all Blake with the fleet happened to be at Malaga, before he made war upon Spain and some of his seamen went ashore, and met the Host carried about and not only paid no respect to it, emerald golf course but laughed at those who did.checks servility.*40 emerald golf course.Such condensation often emerald golf course causes obscurity, and, even where there is no obscurity, there is a certain harshness in pausing on light, unemphatic words, such as to, in, &c.