They fixed the trap on the end of the log, and Jonas observed, as he sat on the log, that he could see the barn chamber window through a little opening among the trees.I can medication administration documentation form reach high, said James.Now, there was, in the garret, a small fire fender, which had been laid aside as old and useless.Well, said Jonas, it will do no good medication administration documentation form to set the trap now, for he will be away before we could get back.Jonas told the boys he was not willing to keep the squirrel a prisoner very long, but he would try to contrive some way by which they might look at him.He jumped up to the window sill, and then medication administration documentation form disappeared.So we can, said both of the boys and they immediately went to work collecting branches and weaving them in, leaving a space for a window both sides.I don't medication administration documentation form care, said Rollo.Their quarrelsome feelings were all gone, and they talked very pleasantly at their work until it was time for them to go home to dinner.James, finding medication administration documentation form that his crying did no good, gradually became still and in a few minutes, as he happened to look round, his eye rested on the stone where they had put their half dollars, and he saw that only one of them was there.Why? said the boys.He went up stairs, and walked along to medication administration documentation form the farthest corner, and there, up on a beam, were several small bottles all in a row.