CHAPTER XII DISTANCE LENDS ENCHANTMENT Mr.Edison has told us of this trip to Washington and how he showed that his invention could register the House vote, pro and con, chinese arts information almost instantaneously.Well, I reckon that hits me, too.There's nothing that he does that doesn't chinese arts information show it.But to morrow we'll bring out Professor Gray's transit and show you the way it's done.Another chinese arts information invention turned a ship about with her prow facing the torpedo, so that it would be most likely to go plowing and not hit her, as it would with broadside on.' He soon opened a workshop in Boston and began making experiments.This from the girl who had joyfully greeted the Professor and the boys, yodeling a chinese arts information school yell from the hillside.At last, when I thought the joke had gone far enough, and as the special was nearly finished, I calmly opened the key and remarked over the wire to my New York rival 'Say, young man, change off and send with the other foot!' 'This broke the fellow up so that he turned the job over to another operator to finish, to the real discomfiture of the fellows around me.You can't chinese arts information expec' You couldn't be more mistaken, Mr.What's the idea of curvin' it? So that it will be stronger and withstand the pressure.