For though few persons will be inclined to agree with Horace Walpole's opinion that Bolingbroke's 'metaphysical divinity was the best of his writings,' yet the eminence of the writer, the purity and piquancy of his style, the real and extensive learning which he displayed, would, one might have imagined, have awakened a far greater interest in his writings than was actually shown.It is not, however, so much in direct statements of doctrine as in the whole tenour c media wave device driver and frame of his spirit, that Locke differs 'in toto' from the Deists for Locke's was essentially a pious, reverent soul.We are told of the crowds of auditors and the fixed attention with which they listened, also of the number of clergymen who frequented his St.There was a time, and that within our own memories, when such complaints were seasonable and useful but happy for you, gentlemen, you have c media wave device driver outlived it.' There was an inherent untenableness in this position.H c media wave device driver.If Toland failed to prove that there were no mysteries in Christianity, yet perhaps he set men a thinking that there was a real danger of darkening counsel by words without knowledge, through the indiscriminate use of scholastic jargon.32, c media wave device driver &c.But, as Dr.' Lechler's Geschichte c media wave device driver des Englischen Deismus, p.'Pope,' says Ruffhead, 'permitted Bolingbroke to be considered by the public as his philosopher and guide.Toland used several arguments from Locke's essay in support of his position that there was nothing in Christianity contrary to reason c media wave device driver or above it.