Well, then, remember the general principle, at any rate, said his father, which is this that we live at the bottom of a vast ocean of air, and that the lower portions of this air are pressed down by the load of all the air above that, being so pressed, the lower air is condensed, so that we live in the midst of air that is pressed down, and condensed, by the load of all that is above it and that, consequently, whenever the air is taken away, even in part, from any place, as you removed some of it from the china closet, the pressure upon the air outside forces the air in through every opening it can find.Is it as high as a house? said disable autoplay windows Nathan.Well, then, said Jonas, once there was a man, and he saw the moon coming up behind the trees, and thought it was a large house burning up.What fire? said disable autoplay windows James.And how thin is it there? Nobody knows, said his father.And would it make a loud noise? Yes, replied their father, I presume it would make a loud explosion that is, if the air in the room around it could by any means be all at once disable autoplay windows and suddenly removed.Suppose, also, that we had another bottle, of the same size and shape, filled with air, and we put that down upon the floor by the side of the other both bottles being stopped very tight.They took disable autoplay windows care not to pile the wood, in any case, higher than their shoulders, for Jonas had told them that, if they piled the wood higher than that, there would be danger of its falling down upon them.Yes, replied Jonas.I believe they have ascertained how great the pressure of the air is here at the surface of the earth, and have disable autoplay windows calculated in some way, from that, how high the air must be to produce such a pressure.If I had a very light feather, I could let him perform an experiment.Why, between thirty and forty miles, said Rollo disable autoplay windows father told us once.That is, the air around presses about as heavily, and would force a jet of air through a hole with about as much force, as water would, coming out at the bottom of a dam, as high as a common three story house.