But so fully were they conscious, that would they retain their own supremacy in the wilderness, they must exterminate the white man, that their retreat was only in preparation for a return with accumulated numbers.He made tom thumb grocery stores the selection and chose himself.One day, not long after the arrival of Squire Boone, Daniel Boone, with his companion Stewart, was a long distance from the camp, hunting.They divided themselves into several parties, making incessant attacks upon the forts, and prowling around to shoot every white tom thumb grocery stores man who could be found within reach of their bullets.Boone was at this time thirty six years of age.She had full confidence tom thumb grocery stores in the soundness of his judgment, and in his conjugal and parental love.One wounded Squire Boone, and escaped.Their predatory bands were wandering in all directions, and almost every tom thumb grocery stores day came fraught with tidings of outrage or massacre.In the midst of these constant conflicts and dangers, the winter months passed drearily away.All these events caused tom thumb grocery stores delays.The weather was delightful.For some reason not given, they preferred to return north several hundred miles to the Kentucky river, tom thumb grocery stores as the seat of their contemplated settlement.The revolting deed was done quicker than it can be described.He represented to the band that it would be of great tom thumb grocery stores advantage to them to have possession of one so intimately acquainted with all the white settlements and their resources.He won the sympathies of a very kind English woman, Mrs.