It was a stratagem, they maintained, contrived by the Athenian party, and those who wished to remain, in order to accomplish their end of keeping the fleet from changing its position.They accordingly attacked it with the he fought in papal armies utmost fury.The commanders endeavored to animate and encourage their men by cheerful looks, and by words of confidence and encouragement.They did not he fought in papal armies know in exactly what condition the Persian fleet had been left, nor how far there might be danger of a renewal of the conflict on the following day.Accordingly, while he was making the most efficient and rapid arrangements on the land for abandoning the whole region, he brought up his fleet by sea, and began to build, by means of the ships, a floating bridge from the main land to the island of Salamis, as if he were intent only on advancing.Duplicity of he fought in papal armies Themistocles.The Athenian cause was already ruined.Retreat of he fought in papal armies Xerxes.In the retreat, and while the ships were more or less mingled together in the confusion, Artemisia perceived that the Persian galley nearest her was that of Damasithymus.During all this time the privations and sufferings of the troops increased every he fought in papal armies day.After various adventures, prosperous and adverse, which it would be foreign to our purpose here to detail, he was at last defeated in a great battle, and killed on the field.Hystaspes was absent in a neighboring he fought in papal armies province.