But Youri was by no means prepared to relinquish his claim, and soon the armies of the two rivals were struggling upon the field of battle.At length the city fell, vanquished, it is said, by stratagem san diego county weather rather than by force.For ages they had not known a prince so illustrious or so devoted to the welfare of his country.Stunned by a blow, he had san diego county weather fallen from his horse, and was apparently lifeless.Vassali received the city of Vologda in appanage, to which he retired, with his family, and with the nobles and bishops who still adhered to him.The uncle, however, so san diego county weather far had pity for his vanquished nephew as to appoint him to the governorship of the city of Kolomna.Kings compose my body guard, and range themselves as servants before my tent.Ambitious, war loving, thousands crowded to his standards, san diego county weather and he had but just attained the age of thirty five when he was the undisputed monarch of all the Mogol tribes, and the whole Asiatic world trembled at the mention of his name.Russia was unprepared for the attack, and terror congealed all hearts.This army was under the command of a san diego county weather Tartar chieftain called Toktamonish.In marching from Aleppo to Damascus, Tamerlane visited ostentatiously the pretended tomb of Noah, that upon the shrine of that patriarch, so profoundly venerated by the Mohammedans, he might display his devotion.Tamerlane treated his prisoner with the most condescending kindness, seated him by his side upon the imperial couch, and endeavored to san diego county weather solace him by philosophical disquisitions upon the mutability of all human affairs.Suddenly and unexpectedly, Dmitri was informed that the Tartars were approaching in strength unprecedented.Tamerlane was the son of san diego county weather a petty Mogol prince.Some of the chiefs rode slowly around the ramparts, examining the ditch, the walls, the height of the towers, and selected the most favorable spot for commencing the assault.