to put his mark and stamp upon them, and lock them up.Cleopatra, on the other hand, had given herself up to him in the most absolute and unconditional manner, under the influence solely of crazy horse quote a personal affection which she could not control.It was evident that she felt quite independent, and was intending to take her own time.Arrival of crazy horse quote Cleopatra.She brings supplies for the army.Therefore it is best in all cases crazy horse quote to give the patient water.Antony was at Tarsus, a city upon the Cydnus, a small distance above its mouth.When absent from him, she spent her time alone, always silent and dejected, and often in tears and she took care that the secret sorrows and sufferings that she endured should be duly made known crazy horse quote to Antony, and that he should understand that they were all occasioned by her love for him, and by the danger which she apprehended that he was about to leave her.The avenger of a father.Here she pleaded her husband's cause with tears in her eyes she defended his conduct, explained what seemed to be against him, and entreated her brother not to take such a course as should cast her down from being the happiest of women to being the most crazy horse quote miserable.She wrote continually to Antony, urgently entreating him to come to Rome, and displaying in her letters all those marks of agitation and distress which a wife would naturally feel under the circumstances in which she was placed.At length, finding that he could bear his absence from his mistress no longer, he set out to march across the country, crazy horse quote in the depth of the winter, to the sea shore, to a point where he had sent for Cleopatra to come to join him.