Your enemies, for notwithstanding your services, you have some left even in the Senate, will abuse your reserve.He then sent input type hidden php Moreau to Hohenlinden, and beneath the walls of Vienna extorted peace with continental Europe.I will yet teach those Bourbons, that I am not a man to be shot at like a dog.Napoleon complained bitterly that his enemies, then attempting his assassination, were in the pay input type hidden php of the British government.We must try to cross the Strait, and perhaps I shall bury in the depths of the sea my fortune, my glory, my life.Peter input type hidden php and St.In the three years which have just elapsed fortune has smiled upon the republic.But to whom was he to do justice? To the proprietors whom the revolution had violently despoiled of their properties, for this only, that they had been faithful to their legitimate sovereign to the principle of honor which they had inherited from their ancestors or to those new proprietors, who had purchased these domains, adventuring their money on the faith of laws flowing from an illegitimate authority? Was he to do justice to those royalist soldiers, mutilated in the fields of Germany, La Vendee, and Quiberon, arrayed under the input type hidden php white standard of the Bourbons, in the firm belief that they were serving the cause of their king against a usurping tyranny or to the million of citizens, who, forming around the frontiers a wall of brass, had so often saved their country from the inveterate hostility of its enemies, and had borne to so transcendent a height the glory of the French eagle? Was he to do justice to that clergy, the model and the example of every Christian virtue, stripped of its birthright, the reward of fifteen hundred years of benevolence or to the recent acquires, who had converted the convents into workshops, the churches into warehouses, and had turned to profane uses all that had been deemed most holy for ages? At this period, says Theirs, Napoleon appeared so moderate, after having been so victorious, he showed himself so profound a legislator, after having proved himself so great a commander, he evinced so much love for the arts of peace, after having excelled in the arts of war, that well might he excite illusions in France and in the world.If I have a war with you, I will take from you every ally upon the Continent.No mortal man before ever accomplished so much, or accomplished it input type hidden php so well, in so short a time.The feeble monarch had no means of protecting his coasts from the pirates who still swarmed in those seas.