Six men only were wounded.The dead were thrown overboard without burial service auto museums wax or ceremony of any kind, such is the grim earnestness of war.A most lame and impotent conclusion it was indeed but, as Jones said, What was done is sufficient to show that not all the boasted British navy is sufficient to protect their own coasts, and that the scenes of distress which they have occasioned in America may soon be brought home to their own doors.When Paul Jones arrived at Brest, bringing the captured Drake, he found the auto museums wax situation of affairs materially altered.We now come to the glorious part of the career of Paul Jones upon the ocean.GIVEN COMMAND OF auto museums wax THE BON HOMME RICHARD.It was no longer necessary to resort to cunning deceptions to buy a war ship or sell a prize in a French port.Disdaining to wait for nightfall, he chose two boats' crews of auto museums wax tried and trusty men, and landed.The three former were small vessels, built in France, and manned wholly by Frenchmen.Unluckily, however, auto museums wax the stormy weather had torn the boat from its fastenings and it foundered before the eyes of its luckless owners, who bitterly bewailed their hard fate as they saw their craft disappear.She had one of the high pitched poops that were so common in the early part of the last century, and that gave to the sterns of ships of that period the appearance of lofty towers.THE DOMINIE'S auto museums wax PRAYER.The rigging was full of sailors, and the sails were being quickly spread to catch the fresh breeze.