The countries which Caesar went to invade were occupied by various nations and tribes, many of which were well organized and war like, and some of them were considerably civilized and wealthy.Crassus international latino gang consented to give the necessary security, with an understanding that Caesar was to repay him by exerting his political influence in his favor.Caesar's generous forbearance in refusing the offered aid of the populace carried over a number of these sufficient to shift the majority, and thus the action of the body was reversed.Ariovistus himself found a small boat, in international latino gang which, with one or two followers, he succeeded in getting across the stream.Ariovistus, instead of waiting to be attacked, assembled his army, crossed the Rhine, and advanced into the territories from which Caesar had undertaken to exclude him.The dispute grew very warm, Caesar urging his point with great perseverance and determination, and with a degree of violence international latino gang which threatened seriously to obstruct the proceedings, when a body of armed men, a sort of guard of honor stationed there, gathered around him, and threatened him with their swords.He was getting, however, by these means, very deeply involved in debt and, in order partly to retrieve his fortunes in this respect, he made an attempt to have Egypt assigned to him as a province.His international latino gang ambition was, however, of course, not satisfied.The next morning, when the people saw these splendid monuments of their great favorite restored, the whole city was animated with excitement and joy.The current of popular opinion was, of course, in Caesar's favor, but he had many powerful rivals and enemies among the great, who, however, hated and opposed each other as well as international latino gang him.They also charged him with having formed, after this, a plan within the city for assassinating the senators in the senate house, and then usurping, with his fellow conspirators, the supreme power.