Commodore Rodgers was thrown high into the air, and, falling heavily on the deck, suffered a painful fracture of the leg.Officers were readily obtained from the ranks of the lost treasure maps adventurous American navigators.THE ESCAPE OF THE CONSTITUTION.Capt lost treasure maps.The commodore will demand the person impressed the demand will doubtless be refused, and the battle will instantly commence.Under his command were the flag ship President of forty lost treasure maps four guns, the Essex thirty two, and the Hornet eighteen.Why, the man has never been out of Ireland except on a British man of war.The last statement is easily disproved, for the President was almost unscathed, and the lost treasure maps only injury to her people was the slight wounding of a boy, in the hand.Hoisting a number of bright lights in her rigging, that the stranger might know her whereabouts, the President stood off and on during the night, ready to give aid to the disabled ship in case of need.At lost treasure maps the same time, gangs of sailors with axes cut away the woodwork about the cabin windows, and mounted two stern guns in the cabin and one on the upper deck.Ay, ay, sir, was the response.The lost treasure maps muzzles of the great guns were stopped by tompions.