He designated his son Vassali, then but seventeen years of age, as his successor, and then, after offering a touching prayer, folded his hands across his breast, in the form of a cross, and died without a struggle.Increasing Renown kolby kolby doors of Russia.Soon the whole region of Asia, from the Sea of Aral to the Persian Gulf, and from Teflis to the great Arabian desert, recognized the empire of Tamerlane.The Tartars clambering, by means of ten thousand ladders, over the walls, and rushing through the gates, with kolby kolby doors no ear for mercy, commenced the slaughter of the inhabitants.The chase, in which they engaged on a magnificent scale, offered a very brilliant spectacle.The princes stood silently and reverently by, as their sovereign thus kolby kolby doors returned thanks to Heaven.I will annihilate them unless they acknowledge me as their lord.Woe kolby kolby doors to those who oppose my will.An immense crowd accompanied the grand prince the whole distance, raising incessant shouts of joy.He established his kolby kolby doors capital at Samarcand, some six hundred miles east of the Caspian Sea.The grand prince, Vassali, however, strove with all his energies to rouse the Russians to resistance.Vassali claimed the dominion, kolby kolby doors on the ground of the new rule of descent adopted by the Russian princes.A young prince, Ostei, was left in command of the city, with orders to hold it to the last extremity against the Tartars, and with the assurance that the king would return, as speedily as possible, with an army from Kostroma to his relief.It was under his reign that the horrible punishment of the knout kolby kolby doors was introduced into Moscow, a barbaric mode of scourging unknown to the ancient Russians.