The capital of this territory, which was the celebrated province of Guienne, was Bordeaux, a large and important city in those days as now.The country was divided into two great parties those that favored the Duke of York and his dynasty, and those who adhered to the house louis st university of Lancaster.After the death of Suffolk, Somerset came home from France.In addition to the liberal supplies which the Parliament granted to the queen, they made louis st university ample provision for maintaining the dignity and providing for the education of the young prince.The circumstances of poor Margaret's case seem to have reversed all ordinary conditions of domestic happiness.Suffolk had no louis st university alternative but to obey.A certain company of soldiers, who had been dismissed from some place in Maine in consequence of the cession of that province to France, instead of going across the frontier into Normandy to join the English forces there, as they ought to have done, went into Brittany, another French province near, and there organized themselves into a sort of band of robbers, and committed acts of plunder.The Lords were much displeased louis st university at having the affair thus taken out of their hands.The king, on receiving this message, was much troubled and perplexed, but at length he concluded, under the advice of some of his counselors, to comply with this demand.They passed louis st university an address to the peers, requesting them to cause Suffolk to be arrested and imprisoned.Indeed, he was on his way home at the very time that Suffolk was killed, the English possessions there having been almost entirely lost.The only course of safety would be for him to leave the country for a while, provided the means could be devised for getting him louis st university away.