These and a great many other similar objects attracted their attention as they rode along.Rollo got out and went to the porter's lodge with the passports growing a pineapple plant in his hand.George, then we'll go.Well, said growing a pineapple plant Rollo.They directed the coachman to drive as quick as possible to the Swiss legation, showing him the address which Rollo's uncle had given them.There's one thing good about the American legation, Carlos, said Rollo and that is, that growing a pineapple plant they can talk English, I suppose.Rollo saw a great many beautiful views and witnessed a great many strange and striking scenes as he was whirled onward by the train across the country from Paris towards Strasbourg.Carlos followed growing a pineapple plant him.As he was going out Rollo made up a French sentence to say to the coachman that he must drive to the American legation, and that he must find out where it was himself.In fact, every one seemed busy with his own concerns, except that in one part of the room there were several benches where growing a pineapple plant a number of men and women were sitting as if they were waiting for something.In fact, Rollo was frequently at such times a little frightened, or at least perplexed, and often, at first, felt greatly at a loss to know what to do.He procured a ticket without any difficulty, asking for it in French, with a pronunciation which, if it was not perfectly correct, was at least growing a pineapple plant perfectly intelligible.George, and they are very much cheaper.